Friday, February 21, 2014

Social Media and Privacy

Before social networks and media if someone was raped not many people knew about it. Now everyone knows. News travels so quickly in todays world that even if you don't know someone on a personal level, you have probably heard an embarrassing story about them or at least know some of the huge life events. At first social media was created to share life events with friends that you don't see or talk to daily. Now people use social media to bring other down and ruin their lives. Its disgusting how low some people will go to truly hurt someone because it gives them satisfaction. It's also a shame that people end up taking their lives because of these things. Maybe if we didn't have social media to post pictures about a rape to the world then less people would hurt themselves and they would be able to deal with what happened to them instead of getting teased for it. They didn't asked to be raped, and they didn't ask for it to be known across the country. However, social media allows rape situations to go viral which only end up hurting the victim more.

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